Thank you for making this class very interesting with topics I would have never had explored on my own. (Spencer)

Thank you so much! It was a great block learning from you. First German class in a long time I thoroughly enjoyed.  (Katrina)

Vielen Dank für einen tollen Unterricht! Es hat mir richtig gut gefallen. (Lisa)

Ich danke dir auch! Der Kurs machte mir viel Spaß, und ich habe auch viel gelernt. (Cole)

Ich hatte ein unglaublich Erlebnis und vielen Dank für alles du hat gemacht für mich! (Henry)

… und was man so geschenkt bekommt …

Aus einem Sommerprogramm mit US-amerikanischen Schüler*innen:

Ich liebe class! It’s soo much fun! We learn a lot and in many different forms such as, watching videos, and playing with puppets, and doing games on the board, even just listening to Sandra talk and teach. (4 weeks later) Drei worten to sum up the program…spaß, adventure, great. I really loved it. I loved the way Sandra taught… (Sarah)

My teacher, Sandra, “ist toll” and I have also had a fun time whilst learning. One of my favorite things about the class is that Sandra will wake us up, so to speak, by playing a popular German song, and then, we go over the lyrics and learn vocabulary and “rules” (idk the word) from them. The class is super fun, but I also learn quite a bit in the three hours we study every day. (Audrey)

My first impression of the class has been tremendous. The class is well-organized and is always divided each day with a plan or objective to complete. (Oswaldo)

I’ve been enjoying the vibe of my class so far and I can already tell that I am going to learn a lot by the end. (Ashley)

On the first day of class, I remember feeling really comfortable with Sandra’s interactive teaching style. (Christina)

Another thing I hope to never forget is my class with Sandra. I really loved my german class and had a great time, and never want to forget the time I had …. I hope to continue to stay in contact with my german teacher Sandra. (Judah)

Additionally, my classes have been very great. I think that my instructor has been very helpful and patient with us as students. (Rosario)

Ich will niemals vergessen meine Klasse. Wir haben viele Spaß gemacht. Ich mag uns zusammen singen. (Abigail)

I miss our class so much! (Samantha)

— wenn man mit Fingerpuppen arbeitet.
